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Exploring room-temperature ferromagnetism in WXBC (X = W, Mn, Fe) monolayers.

Yusuf Zuntu AbdullahiSohail AhmadFatih Ersan
Published in: RSC advances (2022)
Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal boron-carbide is a novel material that has unique properties suitable for advanced spintronics and storage applications. Through first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we report a new class of stable 2D ceramic WXBC (X = W, Mn, Fe) monolayers. We find that all WXBC monolayers prefer a ferromagnetic ground state with metallic electronic property. DFT calculations proved that WXBC monolayers exhibit good energetic, mechanical, and dynamic stabilities. More importantly, these monolayers exhibit large magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) of 1213 μeV, 247 μeV and 20 μeV per magnetic atom for W 2 BC, WMnBC, and WFeBC, respectively. An out-of-plane easy axis (EA) magnetization direction is found for W 2 BC whereas the EA for WMnBC and WFeBC are in-plane. By performing Monte Carlo (MC) simulations based on the 2D Heisenberg model, we predict Curie temperatures ( T C ) of 155 K for the W 2 BC monolayer. The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition (BKT) temperature values of WMnBC and WFeBC are as high as 374.69 K and 417.39 K. For further investigations, the adsorption properties of Li, Na, and K atoms on WXBC (atm-WXBC) systems are examined. It is revealed that the initial ferromagnetic metallic properties of bare WXBC monolayers are maintained for all atm-WXBC systems. The obtained strong chemisorption energies are high enough to make adsorbed Li, Na, and K immobile on WXBC surfaces. All these findings demonstrate the unique potential of WXBC monolayers as multifunctional candidates for advanced magnetic device and storage applications.