How Does the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-II Stand the Test of Clinical Practice? Findings in 7- To 12-Year-Old Children Reliability and validity of the KABC-II were investigated in 646 children aged 7 to 12 years who had been assessed in four social pediatric centers and one pediatric clinic in Germany due to developmental, behavioral, or emotional disorders.The reliability of the global scales Fluid-Crystallized-Index (FCI) and Mental Processing Index (MPI) proved to be very high in all age groups, with values ≥ .96. Reliability values for the scales were above .85 for Sequential/ Gsm and Delayed Recall, and above .90 for the other scales. Relatively higher test scores were found for Learning/Glr in children with intellectual disability than in other scales. Findings for discriminative validity for clinical diagnostic groups and educational backgrounds were as expected, with the lowest intelligence scores for children with intellectual disabilities.The correlation between FCI and the full scale IQ of the SON-R 2.-7 was .73 in a longitudinal subsample. Divergent validity for behavioral variables was confirmed in a subsample by low and nonsignificant correlations with the CBCL/6-18R. With some limitations, psychometric data indicate the suitability of the KABC-II for individual clinical assessment.