A novel multi-wavelength Brillouin random fiber laser with the channel space of triple Brillouin frequency shift and high polarization orthogonality between adjacent wavelengths (TOP-MWBRFL), to the best of our knowledge, is experimentally demonstrated. The TOP-MWBRFL is structured in a ring form by cascading two Brillouin random cavities of single-mode fiber (SMF) and one Brillouin random cavity of polarization-maintaining fiber (PMF). Based on polarization pulling properties of stimulated Brillouin scattering in long-distance SMFs and PMFs, the states of polarization (SOPs) of lasing light from SMF random cavities are linearly bounded to the SOPs of local pump light, whereas the SOP of lasing light from the PMF random cavity is strictly clamped on one of the principal axes of the PMF. Thus, the TOP-MWBRFL can stably emit multi-wavelength light with high polarization extinction ratio (>35 d B ) between adjacent wavelengths without precise polarization feedback. In addition, the TOP-MWBRFL can also work in one polarization mode to stably lase multi-wavelength light with SOP uniformity as high as 37 dB.