Bioresource Nutrient Recycling in the Rice-Wheat Cropping System: Cornerstone of Organic Agriculture.

Saba NazirQamar Uz ZamanAsim AbbasiNayab KomalUmair RiazKamran AshrafNabeel AhmadShweta AgarwalRabiya NasirYing-Long Chen
Published in: Plants (Basel, Switzerland) (2021)
This study evaluated the impact of conventional practices (fertilizer alone) and diverse farming approaches (such as green manuring, farmyard manure application, rice-residue incorporation, residue mulching, residue removal and residue burning) on soil attributes. A total of thirty-five farm sites were selected, with five sites (replications) for each farming approach system, which were used over the past three years in the study farms. Characterization of rice residues of all cultivars, green manure crop (sesbenia: Sesbania sesban) and decomposed farmyard manure samples showed differential behaviours for macronutrients and micronutrients. Continuous application of inorganic fertilizers significantly influenced soil attributes, especially electrical conductivity, nutrient contents, bacterial and fungal population and soil enzymatic attributes. The crop residue treatments favourably influenced the soil parameters over the control. Crop residue incorporation or burning significantly increased soil available potassium, microbial biomass, enzymatic activities and organic carbon when compared with applications of chemical fertilizer alone, while total nitrogen content was increased by residue incorporation. However, green manuring and farmyard manure applications showed inferior responses compared with residue management treatment. It is therefore recommended that bioresources should be managed properly to warrant improvements in soil properties, nutrient recycling and the sustainability for crop productivity, in order to achieve sustainable development goals for climate action.