Proceedings of the Second Curing Coma Campaign NIH Symposium: Challenging the Future of Research for Coma and Disorders of Consciousness.
Shraddha MainaliVenkatesh AiyagariSheila AlexanderYelena BodienVarina BoerwinkleMelanie BolyEmery BrownJeremy BrownJan ClaassenBrian L EdlowEricka L FinkJoseph J FinsBrandon ForemanJennifer FronteraRomergryko G GeocadinJoseph GiacinoEmily J GilmoreOlivia GosseriesFlora HammondRaimund HelbokJ Claude HemphillKaren HirschKeri KimSteven LaureysAriane LewisGeoffrey LingSarah L LivesayVictoria McCredieMolly McNettDavid MenonErika MolteniDaiWai OlsonKristine O'PhelanSoojin ParkLen PolizzottoJose Javier ProvencioLouis PuybassetChethan P Venkatasubba RaoCourtney RobertsonBenjamin RohautMichael RubinTarek SharsharLori ShutterGisele Sampaio SilvaWade SmithRobert D StevensAurore ThibautPaul VespaAmy K WagnerWendy C ZiaiElizabeth ZinkJose I Suareznull nullPublished in: Neurocritical care (2022)
This proceedings article presents actionable research targets on the basis of the presentations and discussions at the 2nd Curing Coma National Institutes of Health (NIH) symposium held from May 3 to May 5, 2021. Here, we summarize the background, research priorities, panel discussions, and deliverables discussed during the symposium across six major domains related to disorders of consciousness. The six domains include (1) Biology of Coma, (2) Coma Database, (3) Neuroprognostication, (4) Care of Comatose Patients, (5) Early Clinical Trials, and (6) Long-term Recovery. Following the 1st Curing Coma NIH virtual symposium held on September 9 to September 10, 2020, six workgroups, each consisting of field experts in respective domains, were formed and tasked with identifying gaps and developing key priorities and deliverables to advance the mission of the Curing Coma Campaign. The highly interactive and inspiring presentations and panel discussions during the 3-day virtual NIH symposium identified several action items for the Curing Coma Campaign mission, which we summarize in this article.