Market assessment to improve fibre recycling within the EU textile sector.
Emanuel BoschmeierWolfgang IpsmillerAndreas BartlPublished in: Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA (2023)
Clothing is one of the primary human needs, but today's business models turned most apparel into a disposable product. As a matter of fact, the rising demand results in the production of Millions of tons of textile waste every year which is either landfilled, incinerated or exported, with only small amounts being recycled. One promising recycling attempt towards a circular economy in the apparel sector is fibre-to-fibre recycling, where end-of-use clothes serve as input material for the production of new fibres and, eventually, new apparel. In this work, together with fashion brands and a textile research organisation, a mapping of the market situation and the economic boundary conditions regarding textile fibre recycling are presented. Generally, fibre-to-fibre recycling technologies need more public attention and intensive research, and development is necessary as well as legislative instruments that encourage interest in textile recycling. The market situation for recycled fibres is promising and will tend to an increased demand in recycled fibres in the future. Mandatory certification ensures a sustainable product and fast fashion should be held back. Textile waste landfilling, export regulations as well as sustainable lifestyle education shall be considered by EU legislature to ensure that recycling materials are actually used and create a market pull for textile waste back into the industry.