[Imaging in manual medicine-Necessary and interesting aspects].

Rigobert Klett
Published in: Der Orthopade (2022)
The German Society for Manual Medicine no longer demands mandatory X‑ray diagnostics prior to high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulation. Indication is based on the general justification as a result of anamnesis and clinical examination. With appropriate indications, imaging primarily serves to exclude contraindications. The use of X‑ray diagnostics to determine the treatment technique or direction is obsolete, especially in infants. Detection of segmental dysfunction as the therapeutic indication is of scientific interest only. Other possible objectives of imaging are detection of a non-functional cause of pain or prediction of therapeutic success. In either case, study results to date contradict general imaging, as there is no significant correlation between detected changes and existing or developing pain. In particular, the significance of a Modic lesion is still to be regarded as open according to studies to date.