Electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy-guided dye marking to identify the subsegmental bronchus in thoracoscopic anatomic subsegmentectomy.

Rongjian XuMin ZhaoYandong ZhaoYunpeng XuanYi QinWenjie Jiao
Published in: Thoracic cancer (2021)
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) subsegmentectomy has been widely used to resect small-sized lung lesions in clinical practice. Precise identification of the subsegmental bronchus is one of the essential steps in performing thoracoscopic anatomic subsegmentectomy. Here, we report a thoracoscopic right S2 a segmentectomy with preoperative electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy (ENB)-guided injection of methylene blue to identify the subsegmental bronchus in a 51-year-old male. We successfully performed complicated surgery using this method. This ENB-guided dye marking method may accurately distinguish the subsegmental bronchus to effectively guide surgery.