Lectotypification, epitypification and history of the name Plagiotheciumneglectum Mönk. (Plagiotheciaceae).
Grzegorz J WolskiJarosław ProćkówPublished in: PhytoKeys (2022)
In the protologue of Plagiotheciumneglectum , Mönkemeyer (1927) does not indicate any herbarium specimen as a type. The author only gave a short description and attached a figure illustrating selected features of this taxon. The original materials from the Mönkemeyer collection were deposited in the HBG herbarium; however, it is not currently possible to determine their location. Furthermore, one specimen of P.neglectum , currently known from the original Mönkemeyer collections, was found in the Herbarium B (B 30 0105646). The features given in the diagnosis of this taxon are consistent with those of the lectotype of Stereodonnemoralis Mitt.; only the leaf apex from Figure 207c (Mönkemeyer 1927) is different and thus suggests mixed material. According to Art. 9.1 of the Shenzhen Code , Figure 207c represents a holotype of P.neglectum . However, due to differences in the leaf apex and according to Art. 9.3 of the Shenzhen Code , the part representing the apex should be excluded from the holotype, and the remainder of Figure 207c is consequently designated as a lectotype of the name P.neglectum . However, because the lectotype does not include a complete set of significant distinguishing features, an epitype (B 30 0105646) was designated.