A mixed-method analysis of counterfactual thinking, negative event themes, and the transtheoretical model in a community sample of smokers.
Kianna M ArthurSherecce A FieldsRachel SmallmanPublished in: Journal of health psychology (2023)
The transtheoretical model has been used as a model of behavior change for tobacco users. However, it does not account for perceptions of past behavior that may provide additional guidance toward smoking cessation. No studies have examined associations between the transtheoretical model, content themes of smoking experiences, and counterfactual thoughts (i.e. "If only. . .then. . ."). Mturk participants ( N = 178; 47.8% female) completed measures of smoking attitudes, behavior, and stage and processes of change use. Participants described a past negative smoking event and an event-related counterfactual thought-listing task. Participants in the precontemplation stage endorsed fewer processes of change. Also, participants in the action stage reported significantly more counterfactuals about cravings (e.g. If only I could have controlled my urge to smoke. . .) inferring that they may be identifying cravings or urges as relevant barriers toward smoking cessation. Identifying these self-relevant thoughts may provide additional ways to address and overcome barriers toward achieving long-term smoking cessation.