Topography of emotional valence and arousal within the motor part of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease.
Tereza SerranováTomas SiegerFilip RůžičkaEduard BakšteinPetr DušekPavel VostatekDaniel NovákEvžen RůžičkaDušan UrgošíkRobert JechPublished in: Scientific reports (2019)
Clinical motor and non-motor effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in Parkinson's disease (PD) seem to depend on the stimulation site within the STN. We analysed the effects of the position of the stimulation electrode within the motor STN on subjective emotional experience, expressed as emotional valence and arousal ratings to pictures representing primary rewards and aversive fearful stimuli in 20 PD patients. Patients' ratings from both aversive and erotic stimuli matched the mean ratings from a group of 20 control subjects at similar position within the STN. Patients with electrodes located more posteriorly reported both valence and arousal ratings from both the rewarding and aversive pictures as more extreme. Moreover, posterior electrode positions were associated with a higher occurrence of depression at a long-term follow-up. This brain-behavior relationship suggests a complex emotion topography in the motor part of the STN. Both valence and arousal representations overlapped and were uniformly arranged anterior-posteriorly in a gradient-like manner, suggesting a specific spatial organization needed for the coding of the motivational salience of the stimuli. This finding is relevant for our understanding of neuropsychiatric side effects in STN DBS and potentially for optimal electrode placement.