Syringomyelia Associated with Chiari 1 Malformation in Adults: Positive Outcome Predictors after Posterior Fossa Decompression with Duraplasty.

Palma CiaramitaroGiuseppe MigliarettiMarilena FerrarisAndrea GarneroGiovanni MoranaPaolo CarucciIlaria SturaFulvio MassaroDiego Garbossa
Published in: Journal of clinical medicine (2023)
Presurgery CSF flow at the CCJ is proposed as a radiological marker with the ability to predict a positive outcome after PFDD in adults with syringomyelia and CM1. Measurements of the fourth ventricle area could be useful additional information for evaluating surgical long-term follow-up; further experience on larger cohorts is required to better define the prognostic yield of this radiological parameter.