Respiratory symptoms, sleep-disordered breathing and biomarkers in nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux.
Össur Ingi EmilssonBryndís BenediktsdóttirÍsleifur ÓlafssonElizabeth CookSigurður JúlíussonEinar Stefán BjörnssonSunna GuðlaugsdóttirAnna Soffía GuðmundsdóttirEkaterina MirgorodskayaEvert LjungströmErna Sif ArnardóttirThórarinn GíslasonChrister JansonAnna-Carin OlinPublished in: Respiratory research (2016)
In a general population sample, nGER is associated with symptoms of asthma and bronchitis, as well as exacerbations of respiratory symptoms. Also, nGER is associated with increased respiratory effort during sleep. Biomarker measurements in EBC, PEx and serum indicate that micro-aspiration and neurogenic inflammation are plausible mechanisms.