This study aimed to evaluate the impact of in vitro digestive characteristics of five different protein sources (fish, crab, beef, chicken, and soy) in adults and elderly individuals. Simulated gastrointestinal tract degradation in the elderly significantly reduced the digestibility of all proteins. The Elderly model had difficulties digesting any protein that had a firm structure or was prone to aggregation. Of the five protein types, soy protein was the least easily digested. Ultraviolet spectroscopy and SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that beef and crab proteins contain myoglobin and hemocyanin, respectively, making their structure firm. Simultaneously, alkali-soluble proteins in meat were more likely to be digested by the elderly than salt-soluble proteins. The alkali-soluble protein percentage in fish protein was the highest, including the best in vitro digestion characteristics in the elderly population. This study provides novel and significant recommendations for the elderly's daily intake of various protein sources.