Small RNA Sequencing Reveals a Distinct MicroRNA Signature between Glucocorticoid Responder and Glucocorticoid Non-Responder Primary Human Trabecular Meshwork Cells after Dexamethasone Treatment.
Kandasamy KathirvelXiaochen FanRavinarayanan HaribalaganeshBharanidharan DevarajanRajendrababu SharmilaRamasamy KrishnadasVeerappan MuthukkaruppanColin Eric WilloughbySrinivasan SenthilkumariPublished in: Genes (2023)
Glucocorticoids (GCs) are known to regulate several physiological processes and are the mainstay in the management of inflammatory eye diseases. The long-term use of GC causes raised intraocular pressure (IOP) or ocular hypertension (OHT) in about 30-50% of the susceptible individuals depending on the route of administration, and can lead to steroid-induced secondary glaucoma. The present study aims to understand the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in differential glucocorticoid (GC) responsiveness in human trabecular meshwork (HTM) cells using small RNA sequencing. The human organ-cultured anterior segment (HOCAS) model was used to identify whether donor eyes were from GC-responders (GC-R; n = 4) or GC-non-responders (GC-NR; n = 4) following treatment with either 100 nM dexamethasone (DEX) or ethanol (ETH) for 7 days. The total RNA was extracted from cultured HTM cells with known GC responsiveness, and the differentially expressed miRNAs (DEMIRs) were compared among the following five groups: Group #1: ETH vs. DEX-treated GC-R; #2: ETH vs. DEX-treated GC-NR; #3: overlapping DEGs between Group #1 and #2; #4: Unique DEMIRs of GC-R; #5: Unique DEMIRs of GC-NR; and validated by RT-qPCR. There were 13 and 21 DEMIRs identified in Group #1 and Group #2, respectively. Seven miRNAs were common miRNAs dysregulated in both GC-R and GC-NR (Group #3). This analysis allowed the identification of DEMIRs that were unique to GC-R (6 miRNAs) and GC-NR (14 miRNAs) HTM cells, respectively. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis identified enriched pathways and biological processes associated with differential GC responsiveness in HTM cells. This is the first study to reveal a unique miRNA signature between GC-R and GC-NR HTM cells, which raises the possibility of developing new molecular targets for the management of steroid-OHT/glaucoma.