Microsporidia represent an evolutionary outlier in the tree of life and occupy the extreme edge of the eukaryotic domain with some of their biological features. Many of these unicellular fungi-like organisms have reduced their genomic content to potentially the lowest limit. With some of the most compacted eukaryotic genomes, microsporidia are excellent model organisms to study reductive evolution and its functional consequences. While the growing number of sequenced microsporidian genomes have elucidated genome composition and organization, a recent increase in complementary post-genomic studies has started to shed light on the impacts of genome reduction in these unique pathogens. This chapter will discuss the biological framework enabling genome minimization and will use one of the most ancient and essential macromolecular complexes, the ribosome, to illustrate the effects of extreme genome reduction on a structural, molecular, and cellular level. We outline how reductive evolution in microsporidia has shaped DNA organization, the composition and function of the ribosome, and the complexity of the ribosome biogenesis process. Studying compacted mechanisms, processes, or macromolecular machines in microsporidia illuminates their unique lifestyle and provides valuable insights for comparative eukaryotic structural biology.