Finger anthropometrics may not be a primary influence on the thermal responses to cooling and rewarming.
Kate Aiko WickhamStephen S CheungPublished in: Temperature (Austin, Tex.) (2022)
The fingers have a large surface area to volume ratio (SA:V), minimal muscle mass, and potent vasoconstrictor capacity. These qualities make the fingers prone to heat loss and freezing injuries during whole-body or local cold exposure. Anthropologists have proposed that the large inter-individual variability in human finger anthropometrics may be an ecogeographic evolutionary adaptation, where shorter and thicker digits (i.e. smaller SA:V ratio) provide a favorable adaptation for cold climate natives. We hypothesized that the SA:V ratio of a digit has an inverse relationship with finger blood flux and finger temperature (T finger ) during cooling and rewarming from cold. Fifteen healthy adults with no or limited cold experiment experience performed 10 min of baseline immersion in warm water (35.0 ± 0.1°C), 30 min in cold water (8.4 ± 0.2°C), and a final 10 min of rewarming in ambient air (~22°C, ~40% relative humidity). T finger and finger blood flux were measured continuously across multiple digits per participant. Average T finger (p = 0.05; R 2 = 0.06) and area under the curve for T finger (p = 0.05; R 2 = 0.07) during hand cooling showed significant, negative correlations to digit SA:V ratio. There was no relationship between digit SA:V ratio and blood flux (i.e. average blood flux and AUC) during cooling as well as between SA:V ratio and digit temperature (i.e. average T finger and AUC) or blood flux (i.e. average blood flux and AUC) during rewarming. Overall, digit anthropometrics do not appear to play a dominant role in extremity cold response.