In transcription antitermination by Qλ, NusA induces refolding of Qλ to form a nozzle that extends the RNA polymerase RNA-exit channel.
Zhou YinJeremy G BirdJason T KaelberBryce E NickelsRichard H EbrightPublished in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2022)
Lambdoid bacteriophage Q proteins are transcription antipausing and antitermination factors that enable RNA polymerase (RNAP) to read through pause and termination sites. Q proteins load onto RNAP engaged in promoter-proximal pausing at a Q binding element (QBE) and adjacent sigma-dependent pause element to yield a Q-loading complex, and they translocate with RNAP as a pausing-deficient, termination-deficient Q-loaded complex. In previous work, we showed that the Q protein of bacteriophage 21 (Q21) functions by forming a nozzle that narrows and extends the RNAP RNA-exit channel, preventing formation of pause and termination RNA hairpins. Here, we report atomic structures of four states on the pathway of antitermination by the Q protein of bacteriophage λ (Qλ), a Q protein that shows no sequence similarity to Q21 and that, unlike Q21, requires the transcription elongation factor NusA for efficient antipausing and antitermination. We report structures of Qλ, the Qλ-QBE complex, the NusA-free pre-engaged Qλ-loading complex, and the NusA-containing engaged Qλ-loading complex. The results show that Qλ, like Q21, forms a nozzle that narrows and extends the RNAP RNA-exit channel, preventing formation of RNA hairpins. However, the results show that Qλ has no three-dimensional structural similarity to Q21, employs a different mechanism of QBE recognition than Q21, and employs a more complex process for loading onto RNAP than Q21, involving recruitment of Qλ to form a pre-engaged loading complex, followed by NusA-facilitated refolding of Qλ to form an engaged loading complex. The results establish that Qλ and Q21 are not structural homologs and are solely functional analogs.