Circular RNA (circRNA) is characterized by a specific covalently closed ring structure. The back-splicing of precursor mRNA is the main way of circRNA generation, and various cis/trans-acting elements are involved in regulating the process. circRNAs exhibit multiple biological functions, including serving as sponges of microRNAs, interacting with proteins to regulate their stabilities and abilities, and acting as templates for protein translation. Autophagy participates in many physiological and pathological processes, especially it plays a vital role in tumorigenesis and carcinoma progression. Increasing numbers of evidences have revealed that circRNAs are implicated in regulating autophagy during tumor development. Until now, the roles of autophagy-associated circRNAs in carcinoma progression and their molecular mechanisms remain unclear. Here, the emerging regulatory roles and mechanisms of circRNAs in autophagy were summarized. Furtherly, the effects of autophagy-associated circRNAs on cancer development were described. We also prospected the potential of autophagy-associated circRNAs as novel therapeutic targets of tumors and as biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis.