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The molecular basis of odontogenic cysts and tumours.

Isadora Pereira GomesVictor Coutinho BastosLetícia Martins GuimarãesCarolina Cavaliéri Gomes
Published in: Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology (2023)
The advances in molecular technologies have allowed a better understanding of the molecular basis of odontogenic cysts and tumours. PTCH1 mutations have been reported in a high proportion of odontogenic keratocyst. BRAF p.V600E are recurrent in ameloblastoma and KRAS p.G12V/R in adenomatoid odontogenic tumour, dysregulating the MAPK/ERK pathway. Notably, BRAF p.V600E is also detected in ameloblastic carcinoma, but at a lower frequency than in its benign counterpart ameloblastoma. Recently, adenoid ameloblastoma has been shown to be BRAF wild-type and to harbour CTNNB1 (β-catenin gene) mutations, further suggesting that it is not an ameloblastoma subtype. CTNNB1 mutations also occur in other ghost-cell-containing tumours, including calcifying odontogenic cysts, dentinogenic ghost cell tumours and odontogenic carcinoma with dentinoid, but the link between CTNNB1 mutations and ghost cell formation in these lesions remains unclear. Regarding mixed tumours, BRAF p.V600E has been reported in a subset of ameloblastic fibromas, ameloblastic-fibrodentinomas and fibro-odontomas, in addition to ameloblastic fibrosarcoma. Such mutation-positivity in a subset of samples can be helpful in differentiating some of these lesions from odontoma, which is BRAF-wild-type. Recently, FOS rearrangements have been reported in cementoblastoma, supporting its relationship with osteoblastoma. Collectively, the identification of recurrent mutations in these aforementioned lesions has helped to clarify their molecular basis and to better understand the interrelationships between some tumours, but none of these genetic abnormalities is diagnostic. Since the functional effect of pathogenic mutations is context and tissue-dependent, a clear role for the reported mutations in odontogenic cysts and tumours in their pathogenesis remains to be elucidated.