Polyplex Particles Based on Comb-Like Polyethylenimine/Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) Copolymers: Relating Biological Performance with Morphology and Structure.
Emi HaladjovaSilviya HalachevaDenitsa MomekovaVeselina Moskova-DoumanovaTanya Topouzova-HristovaKirilka MladenovaJordan DoumanovMaria PetrovaStanislav RangelovPublished in: Macromolecular bioscience (2018)
The present contribution is focused on feasibility of using comb-like copolymers of polyethylenimine with poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) (LPEI-comb-PEtOx) with varying grafting densities and degrees of polymerization of PEI and PEtOx to deliver DNA molecules into cells. The copolymers form small and well-defined particles at elevated temperatures, which are used as platforms for binding and condensing DNA. The electrostatic interactions between particles and DNA result in formation of sub-100 nm polyplex particles of narrow size distribution and different morphology and structure. The investigated gene delivery systems exhibit transfection efficiency dependent on the copolymer chain topology, shape of the polyplex particles, and internalization pathway. Flow cytometry shows enhanced transfection efficiency of the polyplexes with elongated and ellipsoidal morphology. The preliminary biocompatibility study on a panel of human cell lines shows that pure copolymers and polyplexes thereof are practically devoid of cytotoxicity.