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Case Report; Concomitant Left Nutcracker Syndrome and Right Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction.

Mintesnot Yitagesu KidaneAdugna Getachew MideksaMubarek Bargicho AdemFitsum Gebreegziabher GebrehiwotRamzi Yessuf AdemMensur Mohammed AhmedAbebe Ketema AderuMintesnot Tadesse Berta
Published in: Research and reports in urology (2024)
We report rare case of concomitant left nutcracker syndrome and right ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) on adult female patient diagnosed by CT urogram after she presented with intermittent bilateral flank pain. For this we did Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty for right ureteropelvic obstruction, it was laparoscopic initially but due to difficulty of stenting it is changed to open. She had smooth post-op course then discharged on 3rd post-op day. Symptoms of nutcracker syndrome are not that much bothersome for the patient so we planned to follow her conservatively.