Predation of Florida red scale Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.) by the metallic blue ladybeetle Curinus coeruleus (Mulsant).
Salman Al-ShamiJawwad A QureshiPublished in: Bulletin of entomological research (2021)
Florida red scale, Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.) is a species of armored scales, which attacks citrus crops. Biological control, particularly ladybeetles, are critical for its management in citrus production systems. We evaluated predation of C. aonidum by adult and larvae (3rd-4th instar) of the metallic blue ladybeetle, Curinus coeruleus. C. coeruleus were tested against C. aonidum in three separate treatments on Valencia orange leaves in Petri-dish arenas (1) individuals with armor intact, (2) individuals with armor removed, and (3) mix of individuals with armor intact or removed, to determine if armor inflicts distraction to predator consumption of scale and impact. Within 24 h of exposure to C. aonidum, adult beetle consumption rate averaged 64-68% in the two treatments containing all or half of the individuals with armor, compared to 100% in the treatment with armor removed. The consumption rate in the former two treatments increased to 83-89% within 72 h. Larval consumption of C. aonidum with armor intact was 25% at 24 h and 41% at 72 h, compared to 92-100% in the treatment with armor removed. The adults resulting from the larvae developed on C. aonidum with the armor intact or between the diets of armor intact or removed consumed more scales without armor than with armor. Significant consumption of C. aonidum by adults and larvae of C. coeruleus indicates that it is an efficient predator of this pest species. These novel findings suggest that this predator could be useful for suppressing C. aonidum populations in citrus production systems, particularly in habitats where both species are established such as Florida.