Spin-LEDs have been a central topic in semiconductor spintronics research and represent a promising avenue for advanced optoelectronic devices and applications. The future advancements of spin-LEDs will undoubtedly hinge on the generation and manipulation of spin-polarized population at room temperature. In this research, we elucidate the development of room-temperature spin-LEDs using quasi-2D perovskites, based on the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect. During the carrier transfer from the chiral n 2 phase to the randomly oriented high- n phase caused by the bandgap gradient distribution, CISS works to generate non-equilibrium spin population, leading to room-temperature spin-polarized fluorescence. A spin-polarization of ∼93% is observed for the films. Finally, we realize spin-LEDs at room temperature, exhibiting a | g CP-EL | value of 0.05 and an EQE of 3.8%. This work highlights the potential of integrating dual ligands to optimize the phase distribution and crystalline orientation in quasi-2D films to achieve efficient CISS for spin-LED applications.