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Different pharmaceutical preparations of colchicine for Familial Mediterranean Fever: are they the same?

Hakan EmmüngilUfuk İlgenSezin TuranSamet YamanOrhan Küçükşahin
Published in: Rheumatology international (2019)
This study aimed to investigate the benefit of changing the pharmaceutical preparation of colchicine in Turkish Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) patients resistant to one preparation in terms of frequency of the attacks. Turkish adult FMF patients under treatment with an imported colchicine preparation-in the form of compressed tablet form-due to resistance to domestic colchicine preparations, which are film- or sugar-coated tablets, and not using anti-interleukin-1 or other biologic agents were included in the study. Baseline disease characteristics along with MEFV mutations were identified. Daily colchicine doses and attack frequencies before and after the pharmaceutical change were compared. Fifty patients resistant to coated tablet preparations of colchicine and under treatment with the compressed tablets were identified. The median duration of disease was 6 (interquartile range 2.7-14) years and duration under treatment with the imported colchicine was 21 (range 8-60) months. Eight (16%), ten (20%), and 32 (64%) patients had 0-3, 4-6, and more than 7 attacks per year, respectively, before the compressed tablets. After treatment with the compressed tablet form of colchicine, 44 (88%), 5 (10%), and 1 (2%) patients had 0-3, 4-6, and more than 7 attacks, respectively (p < 0.0001). Daily colchicine doses were similar before and after the pharmaceutical change (1.85 ± 0.47 vs 1.84 ± 0.37 mg, p = 0.9). Turkish FMF patients with ongoing attacks under domestic coated tablet preparations of colchicine may benefit from the compressed colchicine tablets. This may be explained by the difference in pharmacokinetic properties of different colchicine preparations.