Ontario Tech University (University of Ontario Institute of Technology) is one of Canada's newest universities, having been incorporated in 2002. In 20 y, the University has increased enrollment from a few hundred students to over 10,000. The University was designed to be "market driven" and as such offered courses that had high market demand. The Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science was one of the first faculties to be established at the University, with the intent to fill a gap between personnel that were retiring out of the nuclear industry and the dearth of nuclear engineers and health physicists being educated in Canada. As such, the University established unique programs in both nuclear engineering and health physics/radiation science with strong input from industry stakeholders. This paper will discuss the evolution of the Health Physics and Radiation Science program at Ontario Tech from the teaching and capacity building perspective, and it provides insight regarding health physics and radiation science research at Ontario Tech under the industrial research chair program.