Lab in a DAC - high-pressure crystal chemistry in a diamond-anvil cell.
Andrzej KatrusiakPublished in: Acta crystallographica Section B, Structural science, crystal engineering and materials (2019)
The diamond-anvil cell (DAC) was invented 60 years ago, ushering in a new era for material sciences, extending research into the dimension of pressure. Most structural determinations and chemical research have been conducted at ambient pressure, i.e. the atmospheric pressure on Earth. However, modern experimental techniques are capable of generating pressure and temperature higher than those at the centre of Earth. Such extreme conditions can be used for obtaining unprecedented chemical compounds, but, most importantly, all fundamental phenomena can be viewed and understood from a broader perspective. This knowledge, in turn, is necessary for designing new generations of materials and applications, for example in the pharmaceutical industry or for obtaining super-hard materials. The high-pressure chambers in the DAC are already used for a considerable variety of experiments, such as chemical reactions, crystallizations, measurements of electric, dielectric and magnetic properties, transformations of biological materials as well as experiments on living tissue. Undoubtedly, more applications involving elevated pressure will follow. High-pressure methods become increasingly attractive, because they can reduce the sample volume and compress the intermolecular contacts to values unattainable by other methods, many times stronger than at low temperature. The compressed materials reveal new information about intermolecular interactions and new phases of single- and multi-component compounds can be obtained. At the same time, high-pressure techniques, and particularly those of X-ray diffraction using the DAC, have been considerably improved and many innovative developments implemented. Increasingly more equipment of in-house laboratories, as well as the instrumentation of beamlines at synchrotrons and thermal neutron sources are dedicated to high-pressure research.