Prognostic value of POD24 validation in follicular lymphoma patients initially treated with chemotherapy-free regimens in a pooled analysis of three randomized trials of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK).
Alden Alberto MocciaSämi SchärStefanie HayozMaria Cristina PirosaChristian TavernaUrban NovakEva KimbyMichele GhielminiEmanuele ZuccaPublished in: British journal of haematology (2020)
The relapse of follicular lymphoma (FL) within 24 months (POD24) of chemoimmunotherapy has been associated with poor survival. We analyzed a pooled dataset of three randomized trials including FL patients with advanced disease, conducted by the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK). Overall, POD24 was observed in 27% of 318 patients, but rate variance among studies suggested that the rituximab schedule might affect POD24 rate. POD24 was associated with lower 10-year overall survival rates than in the reference group (69% vs. 77%; hazard ratio, 3·12; 95% confidence interval, 1·73-5·65). POD24 retains its prognostic validity in patients treated without chemotherapy and may represent a useful end-point for future studies.