Microbiological and Toxicological Investigations on Bivalve Molluscs Farmed in Sicily.
Annamaria CastelloVincenzina AlioGaetano CammilleriSonia SciortinoAndrea MacalusoVincenzo FerrantelliSonia Dall'AraFiorella PinoIrene ServadeiGiuseppa OliveriAntonella CostaPublished in: Foods (Basel, Switzerland) (2024)
Bivalves can concentrate biological and chemical pollutants, causing foodborne outbreaks whose occurrence is increasing, due to climatic and anthropic factors that are difficult to reverse, hence the need for improved surveillance. This study aimed to evaluate the hygienic qualities of bivalves sampled along the production and distribution chain in Sicily and collect useful data for consumer safety. Bacteriological and molecular analyses were performed on 254 samples of bivalves for the detection of enteropathogenic Vibrio , Arcobacter spp., Aeromonas spp., Salmonella spp., and beta-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli . A total of 96 out of 254 samples, collected in the production areas, were processed for algal biotoxins and heavy metals detection. Bacterial and algal contaminations were also assessed for 21 samples of water from aquaculture implants. Vibrio spp., Arcobacter spp., Aeromonas hydrophila , Salmonella spp., and Escherichia coli were detected in 106/254, 79/254, 12/254, 16/254, and 95/254 molluscs, respectively. A total of 10/96 bivalves tested positive for algal biotoxins, and metals were under the legal limit. V. alginolyticus , A. butzleri, and E. coli were detected in 5, 3, and 3 water samples, respectively. Alexandrium minutum , Dinophysis acuminata , Lingulodinium polyedra, and Pseudonitzschia spp. were detected in water samples collected with the biotoxin-containing molluscs. Traces of yessotoxins were detected in molluscs from water samples containing the corresponding producing algae. Despite the strict regulation by the European Commission over shellfish supply chain monitoring, our analyses highlighted the need for efficiency improvement.