Estimating the size of a closed population by modeling latent and observed heterogeneity.
Francesco BartolucciAntonio ForcinaPublished in: Biometrics (2024)
The paper extends the empirical likelihood (EL) approach of Liu et al. to a new and very flexible family of latent class models for capture-recapture data also allowing for serial dependence on previous capture history, conditionally on latent type and covariates. The EL approach allows to estimate the overall population size directly rather than by adding estimates conditional to covariate configurations. A Fisher-scoring algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation is proposed and a more efficient alternative to the traditional EL approach for estimating the non-parametric component is introduced; this allows us to show that the mapping between the non-parametric distribution of the covariates and the probabilities of being never captured is one-to-one and strictly increasing. Asymptotic results are outlined, and a procedure for constructing profile likelihood confidence intervals for the population size is presented. Two examples based on real data are used to illustrate the proposed approach and a simulation study indicates that, when estimating the overall undercount, the method proposed here is substantially more efficient than the one based on conditional maximum likelihood estimation, especially when the sample size is not sufficiently large.