Heating Conditions Influence on Solidification of Inconel 625-WC System for Additive Manufacturing.
Jan HuebnerPaweł RutkowskiAleksandra DębowskaDariusz KataPublished in: Materials (Basel, Switzerland) (2020)
In this study, an Inconel 625-tungsten carbide (WC) composite system was investigated by means of microstructure changes affected by both heating rate and WC content. In order to investigate how the system behaves while exposed to fast thermal processing, controlled melting using a differential thermal analysis (DTA) apparatus was performed on the powders. Two WC powders with different average grain size were used to obtain six compositions of Inconel 625-WC powder mixtures (10, 20, and 30 wt.% WC). They were analyzed under 10 and 30 °C/min heating rate in order to obtain composite samples. Results from DTA together with SEM/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) microstructural observations allowed observing material changes during solidification. Because of the extensive microsegregation of alloying elements to liquid and their reactions with C, which derived from dissolved WC, the formation of secondary phases with improved microhardness was possible. The collected results provide a better understanding of material behavior during intensive thermal processing which can be useful when designing materials for the laser additive manufacturing technique.