Intussusception and COVID-19 in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Saad AlhumaidZainab Al AlawiAbdulrahman A AlnaimMohammed A Al GhamdiMuneera AlabdulqaderKhalid Al NoaimAli A RabaanKoblan M Al MutaredNourah Al DossaryMurtadha AlsulimanYameen Ali AlmatawahAhmed Tawffeq AlOmranSarah Mahmoud Al HajjiMohammedDuaa Riyadh AlfarhanHussain Ahmed Al SuwaiqManea M Al MutaridMohammed Jamal AlkolibRanjan K MohapatraAbbas Al MutairPublished in: Children (Basel, Switzerland) (2022)
Children with SARS-CoV-2 infection are at low risk to develop ISN. A female gender, Asian ethnicity, failure to ISN reduction treatment (pneumatic or surgical), admission to ICU, mechanical ventilation and suffering from ARDS were significantly associated with death following ISN in pediatric COVID-19 patients.