Diels-Alder Reaction of Photochemically Generated ( E )-Cyclohept-2-enones: Diene Scope, Reaction Pathway, and Synthetic Application.
Daniel P SchwingerMartin T PeschelConstantin JaschkeChristian JandlRegina de Vivie-RiedleThorsten BachPublished in: The Journal of organic chemistry (2022)
Upon irradiation at λ = 350 nm, cyclohept-2-enone undergoes an isomerization to the strained ( E )-isomer. The process was studied by XMS-CASPT2 calculations and found to proceed by two competitive reaction channels on either the singlet or the triplet hypersurface. ( E )-Cyclohept-2-enone is a reactive dienophile in thermal [4 + 2] cycloaddition reactions with various dienes. Ten different dienes were probed, most of which─except for 1,3-cyclohexadiene─underwent a clean Diels-Alder reaction and gave the respective trans -fused six-membered rings in good yields (68-98%). The reactions with furan were studied in detail, both experimentally and by DLPNO-CCSD(T) calculations. Two diastereoisomers were formed in a ratio of 63/35 with the exo -product prevailing, and the configuration of both diastereoisomers was corroborated by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The outcome of the photoinduced Diels-Alder reaction matched both qualitatively and quantitatively the calculated reaction pathway. Apart from cyclohept-2-enone, five additional cyclic hept-2-enones and cyclooct-2-enone were employed in their ( E )-form as dienophiles in the Diels-Alder reaction with 1,3-cyclopentadiene (80-98% yield). The method was eventually applied to a concise total synthesis of racemic trans -α-himachalene (four steps, 14% overall yield).