InCl 3 catalyzed simultaneous reductive sulfoximination and O -silylation: synthesis of silyloxy benzylsulfoximine.
K NatarajanV JayakumarV R Padma PriyaA Antony Haritha MercyGanesh Chandra NandiPublished in: Organic & biomolecular chemistry (2024)
This article describes the synthesis of ortho -silyloxy benzylsulfoximine via the reaction of salicylaldehyde and sulfoximine in the presence of silane and InCl 3 . The steps include simultaneous reductive sulfoximination and an O -silylation process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of this kind of reaction, where both reductive amination (here sulfoximination) and O -silylation occur concurrently.