The potential protein-mediated hepatic uptake: discussion on the molecular interactions between albumin and the hepatocyte cell surface and their implications for the in vitro-to-in vivo extrapolations of hepatic clearance of drugs.
Michel BteichPatrick PoulinSami HaddadPublished in: Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology (2019)
Introduction: In quantitative modeling, the resolving of underpredictions and overpredictions of hepatic clearance (CLh) makes a top priority for pharmacokinetic modelers. Clearly, the 'protein-mediated hepatic uptake' is a violation of 'the free drug hypothesis', but the lack of its consideration in CLh-predictive approaches may be one of the reasons to explain the discrepancies between predicted and observed values. Areas covered: We first review the two 'albumin-facilitated hepatic uptake' models that were recently challenged to improve the in vitro-to-in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) of CLh by reducing the underprediction bias, particularly in the absence of albumin (ALB) in vitro compared to the presence of ALB in vivo. Second, we identify three types of interactions related to the ALB-bound drug moiety (i.e., ALB-lipids, ALB-proteins, and ALB-ligand allosteric interactions) that may be behind the 'ALB-mediated hepatic uptake' mechanism(s) for highly bound drugs. Main keywords used in our search are IVIVE; albumin; allostery; protein-mediated uptake; hepatic clearance; polarized hepatocytes. Expert opinion: Understanding the implication of these interactions and the enzyme/transporter interplay for each drug would help selecting the appropriate IVIVE model. Therefore, we have proposed a tree of decision for guidance. The next step is to improve the 'ALB-facilitated hepatic uptake' models to cover the remaining uncertainties.