Tritiodefluorination of alkyl C-F groups.
Břetislav BrožAleš MarekPublished in: Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals (2019)
A straightforward methodology of fluorine substitution by tritium/deuterium is reported. The described method is selective towards the F─C (sp3 ) group and leaves both the aromatic F─C (sp2 ) and F2 ─C (sp3 ) moieties unaffected. Alkylfluorides, readily synthesized from appropriate alcohols by treatment with diethylaminosulfur trifluoride (DAST) reagent in an overall yield up to 76%, undergoes activation with the boron-based Lewis acid B(C6 F5 )3 , and stoichiometric in situ reduction with a tritide/deuteride reagent-the [TMP2(3) H][2(3) HB(C6 F5 )3 ] system of frustrated Lewis pair. This methodology provides an isolated yield of up to 93% of regio-specifically labeled small organic compounds with superior 2 H-enrichment of over 95%. The specific activity of prepared 1-(2-[3 H]-ethyl)naphthalene was determined at 29.0 Ci/mmol. The site selectivity of the Lewis acid/ [TMP2(3) H][2(3) HB(C6 F5 )3 ] approach is orthogonal to currently used methods and allows for isotopic labeling of complementary positions in molecules. Reported labeling methodology proceeds well at ultra-mild reaction conditions (220 mbar of T2 ), allowing very low consumption of the radioactive source (4.2 Ci/156 GBq), and producing limited amount of radioactive waste.