The differential diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis should be considered in the suspected case of a pelvic mass presenting with vague symptoms. Primary pelvic hydatid cyst is rare, and the achievement of early diagnosis is important, as the involvement of bone in the pelvis is difficult to treat, and the probability of recurrences is greater. This case report presents a rare case of a primary pelvic hydatid cyst in a male in his 30s. The patient presented vague symptoms of difficulty in micturition and chronic pelvic pain. First-line radiological imaging techniques diagnosed it as a neoplastic mass and tuberculosis, while MRI revealed it as a cystic disease, probably a hydatid cyst. Surgical excision and histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of a primary pelvic hydatid cyst. Acquaintance with the varied presentation of cystic echinococcosis helps to obtain an accurate diagnosis and thus decreases the severe complication associated with the disease. This case report highlights the importance of considering parasitic infections in the differential diagnosis of cystic pelvic masses, even in regions with low endemicity.