This study aimed to clarify the kinematics, particularly of the shoulder and hip joints, during preparation for manual wheelchair-to-bed transfer (i.e. when flipping up the arm and foot supports). This cross-sectional study included 32 able-bodied individuals. The kinematics of the shoulder and hip joints when the arm and foot supports were flipped up of manual wheelchair, were evaluated using a markerless inertial sensor-based motion capture system. We found that flipping the arm support upwards involved a large amount of abduction, internal and external rotation, flexion, and extension at the shoulder joint, whereas flipping the foot support upwards involved a large amount of flexion at the hip joint. The findings suggest that it is necessary to consider the range of motion required to flip up the arm and foot supports of manual wheelchairs, particularly in those with limited shoulder and hip range of motion such as older people, neuromuscular disorders, and orthopedic disorders.