This case report describes a case of a patient with MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP), who presented with multiple sebaceomas in a Muir-Torre-like phenotype. MAP is caused by mutations in MUTYH, a base excision repair gene responsible for detecting and repairing the 8-oxo-G:A transversion caused by reactive oxygen species. MAP is associated with an increased risk of developing adenomatous polyps and colorectal cancer. Muir-Torre syndrome is a clinical phenotype of Lynch syndrome, which presents with multiple cutaneous sebaceous neoplasms. Lynch syndrome, like MAP, increases the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer but with a different pathogenesis and mode of inheritance. This case demonstrates that in a patient presenting with multiple sebaceous neoplasms, further workup and genetic testing may be indicated, not only for Muir-Torre and Lynch syndrome but also for MAP.