The present study explores the extent to which properties of abstract graphemic representations are maintained at the post-graphemic level of graphic motor plans, where the sequences of writing strokes for producing the letters in a word are represented. On the basis of results from a stroke patient (NGN) who has a deficit affecting the activation of graphic motor plans, we explore the post-graphemic representation of 1) consonant/vowel status of letters; 2) geminate (double) letters, such as the BB in RABBIT; and 3) digraphs, such as the SH in SHIP. Through analyses of NGN's letter substitution errors, we conclude that 1) consonant-vowel status is not represented at the level of graphic motor plans; 2) geminates have special representations at the motor-plan level, as at the graphemic level; and 3) digraphs are represented by two separate single-letter graphic motor plans, and not by unitary digraph motor plans.