Thrombin is associated with malignant tumors and promotes tumor development, metastasis, and angiogenesis, therefore its identification especially in lung cancer cells is crucial. Because the interference of in vivo biothiols caused false positive findings with prior gold fluorescent nanoprobes, in this manuscript, an Au-selenol(Se) nanoprobe (5-FAM-peptide-Se-AuNPs) that could specifically detect thrombin was designed and compared to traditional Au-S nanoprobes. For reaching this goal, fluorophore-bearing thrombin-specific peptide containing selenol at the end was synthesized. The nanoprobe may be broken by thrombin to regain its fluorescence in lung cancer cells, allowing for high-sensitivity thrombin detection. Since the Au-Se bond is more stable than the Au-S bond, the accuracy of the detection results can be guaranteed. The probe synthesis method is simple and cost-effective, as well as having high biocompatibility. Low concentrations of thrombin can be detected and imaged in lung cancer cells. The synthetic method of this probe opens up new avenues for the application of Au-Se bonds.