Bimodal brush-functionalized nanoparticles selective to receptor surface density.

Huu Trong PhanDominic LauzonAlexis Vallée-BélisleStefano Angioletti-UbertiJeanne Leblond ChainSuzanne Giasson
Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2023)
Nanoparticles or drug carriers which can selectively bind to cells expressing receptors above a certain threshold surface density are very promising for targeting cells overexpressing specific receptors under pathological conditions. Simulations and theoretical studies have suggested that such selectivity can be enhanced by functionalizing nanoparticles with a bimodal polymer monolayer (BM) containing shorter ligated chains and longer inert protective chains. However, a systematic study of the effect of these parameters under tightly controlled conditions is still missing. Here, we develop well-defined and highly specific platforms mimicking particle-cell interface using surface chemistry to provide a experimental proof of such selectivity. Using surface plasmon resonance and atomic force microscopy, we report the selective adsorption of BM-functionalized nanoparticles, and especially, a significant enhanced selective behavior by using a BM with longer protective chains. Furthermore, a model is also developed to describe the repulsive contribution of the protective brush to nanoparticle adsorption. This model is combined with super-selectivity theory to support experimental findings and shows that the observed selectivity is due to the steric energy barrier which requires a high number of ligand-receptor bonds to allow nanoparticle adsorption. Finally, the results show how the relative length and molar ratio of two chains can be tuned to target a threshold surface density of receptors and thus lay the foundation for the rational design of BM-functionalized nanoparticles for selective targeting.