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Changes in the behavioural determinants of health during the COVID-19 pandemic: gender, socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities in five British cohort studies.

David BannAase VilladsenJane MaddockAlun HughesGeorge B PloubidisRichard SilverwoodPraveetha Patalay
Published in: Journal of epidemiology and community health (2021)
Our findings provide new evidence on the multiple changes to behavioural outcomes linked to lockdown, and the differential impacts across generation, gender, socioeconomic circumstances across life, and ethnicity. Lockdown appeared to widen some (but not all) forms of health inequality.
  • mental health
  • public health
  • healthcare
  • health information
  • metabolic syndrome
  • human health
  • skeletal muscle
  • climate change
  • glycemic control