Use of Pea Proteins in High-Moisture Meat Analogs: Physicochemical Properties of Raw Formulations and Their Texturization Using Extrusion.

Blake J PlattnerShan HongYonghui LiMartin J TalaveraHulya DoganBrian S PlattnerSajid Alavi
Published in: Foods (Basel, Switzerland) (2024)
A new form of plant-based meat, known as 'high-moisture meat analogs' (HMMAs), is captivating the market because of its ability to mimic fresh, animal muscle meat. Utilizing pea protein in the formulation of HMMAs provides unique labeling opportunities, as peas are both "non-GMO" and low allergen. However, many of the commercial pea protein isolate (PPI) types differ in functionality, causing variation in product quality. Additionally, PPI inclusion has a major impact on final product texture. To understand the collective impact of these variables, two studies were completed. The first study compared four PPI types while the second study assessed differences in PPI inclusion amount (30-60%). Both studies were performed on a Wenger TX-52 extruder, equipped with a long-barrel cooling die. Rapid-visco analysis (RVA) and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) indicated differences in protein solubility among the different PPI types. In general, lower protein solubility led to better product quality, based on visual evaluation. Cutting strength and texture profile analysis showed increasing PPI inclusion from 30-60% led to significantly higher product hardness (14,160-16,885 g) and toughness (36,690-46,195 g. s). PPI4 led to lower product toughness (26,110 and 33,725 g. s), compared to the other PPIs (44,620-60,965 g. s). Heat gelling capacity of PPI4 was also highest among PPI types, by way of least gelation concentration (LGC) and RVA. When compared against animal meat, using more PPI (50-60%) better mimicked the overall texture and firmness of beef steak and pork chops, while less PPI better represented a softer product like chicken breast. In summary, protein content and also functionality such as cold water solubility and heat gelation dictated texturization and final product quality. High cold water solubility and poor heat gelation properties led to excessive protein cross linking and thicker yet less laminated shell or surface layer. This led to lower cutting firmness and toughness, and less than desirable product texture as compared to animal meat benchmarks. On the other hand, pea proteins with less cold water solubility and higher propensity for heat gelation led to products with more laminated surface layer, and higher cutting test and texture profile analysis response. These relationships will be useful for plant-based meat manufacturers to better tailor their products and choice of ingredients.