High incidence of imperforate vagina in ADGRA3-deficient mice.

Jone Marita KvamMaja Lind NyboLola TorzRiia Karolina SustarsicKristian Høj Reveles JensenJohn Erik NielsenHanne FrederiksenSarina GadgaardKatja SpiessSteen Seier PoulsenJesper Skovhus ThomsenPamela CowinMartin Blomberg JensenTakeshi KuritaMette Marie Rosenkilde
Published in: BMC biology (2024)
Our collective results shed new insights into the complex mechanisms by which the adhesion receptor ADGRA3 regulates distal vaginal tissue remodeling during vaginal canalization via altered sex hormone responsiveness and balance in apoptotic regulators. This highlights the potential of ADGRA3 as a target in diagnostic screening and/or therapy for obstructive vaginal malformations in humans.