Development of EST-based SSR and SNP markers in Gastrodia elata (herbal medicine) by sequencing, de novo assembly and annotation of the transcriptome.
Yunsheng WangMuhammad Qasim ShahidFozia GhouriSezai ErcişliFaheem Shehzad BalochPublished in: 3 Biotech (2019)
Tianma (Gastrodia elata Blume) has unique biological characteristics and high medicinal value. The wild resource of G. elata is being overutilized and should be conserved as it is already included in the list of endangered species in China. The population size of cultivated G. elata is small because of domestication bottleneck. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to evolve high-quality varieties and conserve wild resources of G. elata. In this study, we sequenced tuber transcriptomes of three major cultivated sub-species of Gastrodia elata, namely G. elata BI. f. elata, G. elata Bl. f. glauca S. Chow, and G. elata Bl. f. Viridis, and obtained about 7.8G clean data. The assembled high-quality reads of three sub-species were clustered into 56,884 unigenes. Of these, 31,224 (54.89%), 25,733 (45.24%), 22,629 (39.78%), and 11,856 (20.84%) unigenes were annotated by Nr, Swiss-Port, Eukaryotic Ortholog Groups (KOG), and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) databases, respectively. Here, a total of 3766 EST-SSRs and 128,921 SNPs were identified from the unigenes. The results not only offer huge number of genes that were responsible for the growth, development, and metabolism of bioactive components, but also a large number of molecular markers were detected for future studies on the conservation genetics and molecular breeding of G. elata.