The current status of Nosema spp. infections in A. mellifera throughout Eurasia was characterized using electronic databases. Although N. ceranae was predominantly detected in southwestern and south-central regions and N. apis in northwestern and north-central areas, most studies reported the occurrence of both species in Eurasia. In addition, the occurrence of Nosema spp. and Ptp3 gene haplotypes was investigated in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Most of the examined honey bees were infected with both N. apis and N. ceranae. N. apis and N. ceranae isolates were either heterozygous or belonged to different strains and showed infection with more than one strain. New haplotypes were found for N. apis and N. ceranae in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. This study expands the data regarding existing haplotypes of Nosema species: there are currently 9 shared and 56 unique Ptp3 nucleotide sequence haplotypes of N. ceranae, and 2 shared and 7 unique haplotypes of N. apis, respectively.