[Purpose] This study aimed to investigate the association between whole-body reaction time and maximum jump height as elements of agility performance requiring maximum jumping when measured separately as closed-skill sports or as a complex of open-skill sports and their association with skeletal muscle mass. [Participants and Methods] This study included 54 healthy adult volunteers. Reaction time and jump height in response to a light stimulus were measured separately (the "simple condition") and simultaneously (the "complex condition"), and the associations between the values under these two conditions were investigated. The associations between the skeletal muscle mass and the two elements under both conditions were also investigated. [Results] No correlation was found between the reaction times measured under the simple and complex conditions; however, a significant correlation was evident for the jump height. Skeletal muscle mass correlated significantly with jump height but not with reaction time. [Conclusion] The study results suggest that the relationship between open- and closed-skill sports differs between reaction time and jump height. Therefore, closed-skill sports training may be insufficient for improving open-skill sports and cognitive function and may affect decision-making strategies.