Reliability and Validity of Temporal Parameters during the Side Hop Test in Patients after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

Anna StitelmannLara AlletStéphane ArmandPhilippe M Tscholl
Published in: Journal of clinical medicine (2024)
Background: The side hop test (SHT) measures the number of jumps performed over 30 s. Although this measure has demonstrated its value in clinical practice, the temporal parameters of the SHT allow for a deeper analysis of the execution strategy. The aim of this study is to assess the reliability and construct validity of contact time parameters during the SHT recorded by a video analysis system in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed (ACLR) patients. Methods: We investigated the reliability (intra-rater, standard error of measurement (SEM), and minimum detectable change (MDC)), discriminant validity (operated (OP) versus non-operated (NOP) side), and convergent validity (relationship with strength and psychological readiness) of SHT contact time parameters, number of valid hops and limb symmetry index (LSI) in 38 ACLR patients. Contact time parameters are presented as mean, standard deviation (SD), and coefficient of variation (CV) of contact time. Results: Intra-tester reliability was good to excellent for all contact time parameters. For discriminant validity, the mean and SD contact times of the OP leg were significantly longer than those of the NOP leg, although the difference was smaller than the SEM and MDC values. The number of valid jumps and CV contact time parameters were not significantly different. Isokinetic quadriceps strength (60°/s) was strongly correlated with mean contact time for both legs. However, psychological readiness was not correlated with any of the contact time parameters. Conclusions: Temporal parameters of the SHT measured on video analysis are valid and reliable parameters to assess the performance strategy of the SHT. The results should be interpreted with caution regarding the SEM and MDC values. Further studies are needed to measure criterion validity, inter-rater reliability, and responsiveness.