Phenolic extract of Libidibia ferrea inhibits dentin endogenous enzymatic activity depending on the adhesive system strategy.
Gisely Naura VenâncioEnrico Coser BridiLucas Novaes TeixeiraRosanna Tarkany BastingIlza Maria de Oliveira SousaFabiana Mantovani Gomes FrançaFlávia Lucisano Botelho do AmaralCecilia Pedroso TurssiRoberta Tarkany BastingPublished in: Microscopy research and technique (2021)
This study evaluated the influence of Libidibia ferrea (Lf) extract used as dentin pretreatment on the resin-dentin bond strength stability and dentin endogenous enzymatic activity. The phytochemical profile (PP) of the Lf extract was evaluated by liquid chromatography; particle size, polydispersity index (PdI), and zeta potential (ZP) were evaluated by dynamic light scattering. The tested groups were ER-Scotchbond Universal (SBU) in the etch-and-rinse (ER) mode; ERLf-SBU in the ER mode + Lf after etching; SE- SBU in the self-etch (SE) mode; and LfSE-Lf before SBU in the SE mode. Sticks were obtained for microtensile bond strength tests and failure mode (24 hr and 12 months). The hybrid layer was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. The endogenous enzymatic activity of the underlying dentin was analyzed by in situ zymography with the same treatments. The PP showed the presence of quercetin (2.6% w/w). Lf particles were considered large after the analysis of the PdI. The ZP remained stable over time. The ER and ERLf groups had lower bond strength after 12 months, but SE and LfSE remained stable. The predominant failure mode was adhesive for both times. ER and ERLf had longer resin tags and a thicker hybrid layer. The ER and LfSE groups showed higher enzymatic activity than the ERLf and SE groups after 12 months. The Lf extract may contribute to inhibit the dentin endogenous enzymatic activity when associated with an adhesive system in the ER mode.